Pregnancy Nutrition: A List of Foods to Eat and Avoid (Infographic)

For expectant/new mothers, pregnancy can be a stressful time as there is a lot they are going to experience for the first time. From morning sickness to mood swings to fluctuating weight, they need to be prepared for everything that comes their way or at least be well-informed so that they don’t panic.

There are also certain things they should know before giving birth. Likewise, when going through pregnancy, it is important to have a healthy and nutritional diet that helps strengthen their physical self and aids in the overall growth and development of the baby. Thus, for this read, let’s take a look at the foods to eat and avoid during pregnancy.

List of Foods to Eat During Pregnancy

  • Fruits and Veggies: These are a powerhouse of minerals, vitamins and other essential nutrients. Fruits like kiwis, berries and avocados can help boosts energy, prevent mood swings and strengthen the immune system. Dark leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, etc are a rich source of folate, iron, potassium and essential vitamins. They help prevent iron-deficiency anaemia and lowers the risk of low-birth-weight.
  • Eggs: This is a wholesome pregnancy food that contains almost all essential vitamins and nutrients required during pregnancy. Eggs provide proteins and amino acids and are a great source of choline, which aids in fetal brain health and development.
  • Dried Fruits and Nuts: Even a handful of this everyday during pregnancy can help control blood pressure and assist in strengthening the uterus muscles. Also, this super-foods can aid in the development of the baby’s brain, nerve, lungs, bones, etc.

List of Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

  • Undercooked and Raw food: This includes raw seafood, meat, veggies, fruits and more. Even undercooked eggs should not be eaten, as they might be contaminated with harmful parasites and bacteria. This could cause serious health hazards for the to-be mother, and in the worst-case scenario, could lead to stillbirth.
  • Unpasteurised Milk and Cheese: This could severely hamper the health of the fetus, as they contain harmful bacteria like salmonella, listeria, etc. Liked mentioned above, anything raw should be avoided, and this includes unpasteurised milk, fruit juice, and cheese.
  • Processed and Canned food: These are very low in nutrients and can cause more harm than good. Processed food can cause gestational diabetes and other birth complications. Also, fresh foods are way healthier and safer than canned foods, so it is best to always opt for the former.

To know more about pregnancy nutrition, check out the infographic below.

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