Categories: Pregnancy

Oh Baby: Three Helpful Plans for Delivering Your Baby

Most women spend a fair amount of time thinking about and making plans for the delivery of their baby. If you are a first-time mother, you may be wondering and worrying about a lot of the plans you hear about from other mothers and whether they are right for you. Here are three plans you might consider as you firm up your plans for delivering your baby. And most importantly, remember that a healthy delivered baby and a healthy mother is the most important goal of any delivery.

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Water Births

As you tour hospitals, birthing centers or look at home delivery options, consider utilizing a water birth within your birthing experience if possible. While not every woman finds water births to be intriguing, many women find warm water to be comforting and relaxing while they go through the pain and struggles of labor and delivery. Water births can be done safely but it is important to consult with your healthcare provider before planning for a water birth.


Many women are unfamiliar with doulas, which are basically labor and delivery coaches, advocates and assistants. While you may not think a doula is important when you have a supportive partner, but a doula is really there to help you carry out your birth plan and provide support to you and your partner throughout the process. Doulas are trained in labor and delivery and also can help you if you are interested in more non-invasive or natural birthing methods. Even if you are planning for some interventions, doulas can help provide the physical, emotional and mental support of labor and delivery.

Pain Management

Obviously one of the biggest wonders and potential fears of women who will go into labor and deliver a baby for the first time is how to manage the inevitable pain that accompanies the process. Whether you want to go without any pain management other than breathing and emotional support or you want a full-fledged epidural, there are many options to consider. Some lesser-known options including hypnosis and laughing gas. Regardless of what option(s) you choose, make sure you research all options thoroughly and know that it is also very normal to change your plans as you go.

The birth of your new baby is a time of great excitement and at least some worry. Thinking about and having conversations with your partner and healthcare provider prior to your delivery will help you be as relaxed and prepared as possible before your labor begins.

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