Categories: Health

Keep Your Nervous System In Check With These Health Tips

The nervous system is our body’s messenger service – without it important information from the brain isn’t delivered to areas of the body. Keeping in good general health is important to look after the bodies nerves, as there are some illnesses and disorders especially that are extremely bad news for them. Here are some things to bear in mind to keep the nervous system in check.

Keep A Healthy Weight To Avoid Diabetes

Uncontrolled type two diabetes is major cause of nerve problems. Since this condition means sugar stays in the body rather than being used as fuel, delicate nerve fibers can become damaged when they’re exposed to it for prolonged periods. Type two diabetes can go undetected for years. However, it doesn’t mean it’s not doing damage to the body. If you’re at risk, its important to get tested. Along with nerve damage, diabetes can wreak all kinds of havoc elsewhere on the body too. Some risk factors for the condition are out of your control, for example, it’s more prevalent in certain ethnicities. However, one thing you can do is maintain a healthy weight. Do this, and you’ll massively reduce your risk of developing type two diabetes.

Don’t Drink Alcohol Excessively

People with alcohol problems have a high risk of going on to develop nerve damage, known as alcoholic polyneuropathy. The link to this is believed to be either a vitamin deficiency (those who drink to excess generally don’t look after their bodies they way they should), and their weak system can’t absorb essential vitamins and nutrients needed for good health. Or a direct effect of the poisonous alcohol. Alcoholic polyneuropathy is generally gradual in onset but is incredibly serious. It can lead to bowel and bladder issues, painful cramps, erectile dysfunction in men. It can lead to general muscle weakness and so much more- all due to damage to the nerves. If you have begun experiencing symptoms, there are safe and natural products you could try. For example, you could check out Penetrex cream review by Fitness-To-Go.net which can help with soreness and discomfort from nerve pain. Alcohol problems should be treated by a professional who can give you advice on what to do next based on your personal circumstances. As well as problems with the nerves excess alcohol can cause problems with just about every other area of the body too. So it’s important to seek the help you need for addiction.


Avoid Strain Injuries

Sometimes nerve damage can result due to a strain injury or even an accident. Of course, no-one ever sets out with the intention of getting hurt, but it’s worth being careful since certain trauma can leave you with nerve issues that are difficult or impossible to put right. Strain injury for example can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, you can avoid this by sitting correctly at your desk when using a computer, relaxing your grip regularly and taking frequent breaks. Other injuries can cause damage to the nerve leading to a tingling, pain or even a deep itch which is no fun at all to deal with.

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