Categories: Diets

Is Your Diet Slowing You Down?

Are you struggling with mental fog? Do your thoughts feel sluggish and labored? If you are struggling with physical and mental energy, it might have something to do with your diet.

Recent research by nutritional science has shown that refined carbohydrates and trans-saturated fats are the culprits responsible for disease and ill-health. Fat, especially monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, have a positive impact on your health. Here is everything you need to know about dietary fat and why you should include it in your meals.

The Negative Effects of a Modern Diet

Today’s food contains large amounts of sugar, flour, and trans-saturated fats. The fast food revolution has led to poor food choices is readily available in every neighborhood across the country. With so many high-calorie foods available, it’s no surprise that the rising epidemic of obesity continues to climb. Convenience foods contain large amounts of sugar and over-consumption of these foods can end up developing diabetes in otherwise healthy individuals.

Why You Need to Avoid Carbs

Refined carbohydrates spike your blood sugar levels, prompting your pancreas to excrete the hormone insulin. Over-consumption of refined carbs will lead to a decline in insulin sensitivity and the eventual onset of diabetes. Refined carbohydrates have also been linked to imbalances in cholesterol production, resulting in cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis and hypertension.

The Health Benefits of Dietary Fat

It was not until the mid-nineties that nutritional science discovered the health benefits of a high-fat diet. The ‘Atkins diet’ first appeared as a lifestyle diet that eliminated carbs. The results were dramatic with many practitioners claiming a rapid fat loss and improved levels of physical and mental well-being.

Further research into dietary fats concluded that polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats promote good health. The antioxidants found in certain high-fat foods can assist the body in curing disease and health disorders. With no refined carbs on the menu, Atkins dieters experienced a rebalance in cholesterol levels, dropping bad cholesterol production and increasing good cholesterol while reducing total cholesterol levels in the blood.

Implementing a High-Fat Diet

Starting a high-fat diet will be an excellent, healthy choice for you and your family. Try to eliminate carbs, or swap them out for whole grains and sprouts. These carbs digest slowly and do not spike insulin the same way that refined carbs do. You may feel sluggish and lethargic for the first three to five days after dropping carbs from your diet. However, after three to five days you should notice a significant improvement in energy and feelings of well-being as the inflammation from the carbs subsides.

Healthy High-Fat Foods

A multitude of foods contains polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Avocados, fatty fishes, eggs, nuts and nut butter all contain valuable fatty acids that are optimal for human health. MCT oils such as extra-virgin coconut oil are examples of healthy saturated fats that can replace bad fat sources in your current diet. Cooking with coconut oil is much healthier than traditional sunflower oil, and it adds extra flavor to the dish prepared.

In Closing

Complement a healthy diet with daily exercise for best results. If you are looking for a diet plan and exercise regimen that works, check out fitnessgoals has whole30 results and get to work creating a healthy lifestyle for you and your family.

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