India – Preferred Destination for IVF

What is IVF?

It involves fertilization that is done through the manual combination of an egg and sperm in a laboratory dish and then it is done through the transfer of the embryo to the uterus.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is one of the most sought after procedure for people longing to have children.

Who requires IVF?

Every married couple dream of having their own a child, as a child is considered to be a source of happiness for every parent.

But what if your destiny has something unexpected in store for you? What if you get to discover that you are not fortunate enough to become a mother or father because of some medical complications?

In such cases there is no need to consider yourself unfortunate. With the advent of superior technologies, we humans are left with fewer reasons to worry. Yes you heard it right. Like all other problems the issue of infertility also has a solution. And that solution is none other than In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).

Why India, a preferred destination for IVF?

The most important factor why India is emerging for IVF treatment   is the availability of world-class facilities where patients can concentrate on their treatment and being able to conceive. With high-quality medical services and dedicated IVF experts, patients from all around the globe consider India since the treatment is cost effective as well.


Rates for basic IVF treatment are

The average cost of a single cycle of IVF in India is $2000-$3000 which is comparatively lower than other countries.


Services included in basic IVF cost

1)  Ovarian stimulation monitoring
2) Anesthesia for egg retrieval
3) Egg retrieval procedure
4) Fertilization and culture of the eggs
5) Embryo transfer procedure


Rates for advanced treatments

If a patient requires advanced technological assistance in IVF, the cost can go much higher. For instance, an additional Rs. 1, 50,000 to Rs. 2, 50,000($2200-$3600 approx)   for an ICSI treatment. An FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer) procedure will cost patients about  Rs. 1, 20,000($1800 approx) apart from the IVF cost in India.


Best cities for IVF treatment in India

Many cities in India have evolved in offering IVF treatments with best in class medical facilities. Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore and many other cities have great reputation with good success rates.

The demand of IVF treatment in Pune, Hyderabad and Chandigarh is increasing steadily.


How successful is IVF?

There are number of factors including reproductive history, maternal age, cause of infertility, and lifestyle factors for considering the success rate. IVF success rates are inversely proportionate with the age of the woman.

However, IVF success rates in each cycle are much higher compared to that of treatments such as IUI. The greater the number of cycles the woman undergoes, the higher the chance of success.

It is also important to understand that live birth rates differ to the pregnancy rates.
Following are the statistics for the live birth rate for each IVF cycle started is approximately
13-18% for women ages over 40
23-27% for women ages 38 to 40
33-36% for women ages 35 to 37
41-43% for women under age  35
Research has shown that men largely view themselves as ‘passive’ contributors. Despite this, many men feel distressed after seeing the toll of hormonal injections and ongoing physical intervention on their partner.

Fertility is considered to be a significant factor in a man’s perception of his masculinity, hence many to keep the treatment a secret. In cases where the men did share that he and his partner were undergoing IVF, they reported to face discrimination, mainly by other men, although some viewed this as an affirmation of support and friendship. For others, this led to feeling socially isolated.

In comparison with women, men were mentally and emotionally stronger in the years following a failed treatment. However many men did feel disappointed and inadequacy, stating that they were simply trying to provide an ‘emotional rock’ for their partners



A couple planning to go for an IVF treatment for the first time have doubts and their minds are filled with apprehensions and queries. Below listed questions will help you to have a detailed understanding.

Que:  How long would this procedure take?

Ans:  It takes about four to six weeks for one cycle.

Que:  How much expense would it incur?

Ans:  Approx $2000-$3000.

Que:  Would it be painful?

Ans:  The pain would be temporary during egg retrieval and egg harvest preparation.

Que:  Do the medicines I need to take have any side effects?

Ans:  Side effects generally vary with patients. Effects may be nausea, headaches and

abdominal bloating.


I do agree that every IVF treatment cycle might not turn to be successful. However, the medical advancement and current trend of success rates as i have already mentioned in the article above, makes it worth a try for every married couple longing to become a parent.


Have tried my best to cover every possible aspect. For any other information you can go on another ivf web resources such as  www.webmd.com.

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