Categories: Exercises

How the Cross Trainer Changed my Life

I always hated running. I was one of those teenagers that would do anything to get out of gym class. I also had been carrying a bit of extra weight with me since my teenage years. Thanks to a bigger build and love of food, I ended up coming into adulthood a little chubby. With my weight fluctuating depending on things like time of the year, time of the month, relationships and various other ups and downs, I was beginning to give up hope on ever having the slim physique I had been dreaming of.

source: 3dman on pixabay

At the start of every year I’d make a resolution to get fit and lose weight, but after that first grueling run, I’d always given up.

This story is probably pretty relatable to a lot of you out there, so, let me tell you, how the cross trainer changed my life!

I was having coffee with a friend, and she told me she’d decided to join a gym, so no longer had use for the cross trainer she had in her garage. She asked if I wanted it but I just laughed it off. Later that evening I was watching TV and saw these beautiful slim girls and thought, ‘do you know what, what have I got to lose?’ I messaged my friend, and the next thing I knew, I had a cross trainer in my kitchen.

Now, thanks to my early hatred of running, I was a little apprehensive about this new piece of kit, but as I was soon to find out myself, the cross trainer takes the strain off your joints, so you don’t get aches legs and knees. It works all areas of the body, whilst burning calories, and toning your core, arms and legs.

For me, the cross trainer is amazing, because you can go at whatever pace you like. You can set the resistance to however you feel, and if you want to work a little harder, increase the incline. I actually started out with just 20 minutes on the cross trainer every morning, before breakfast, while watching my morning TV. It didn’t feel like I was working out, in fact, it was really fun.

There’s scientific research that says, you only need to do 7 minutes of exercise a day to lose weight. Of course there are a lot of factors that come into it, but its true, just 20 minutes on the cross trainer every morning and I was really seeing results. My clothes were just a little bit big for me, and my thighs and bum were noticeably firmer! This is amazing!

If you want to lose weight, but you’re worried about where to start, I highly recommend a cross trainer! If you’re nervous about using the equipment at the gym, let me tell you that the cross trainer is super easy to use, and works all the right parts of your body, without being too tiring! You’ll hardly notice how hard you’re working. Just a little bit every day will produce noticeable results, and for me, the results I was getting only inspired me to push myself harder.

Of course the best way to lose weight is to combine a healthy life style and exercise with a good diet. You may start to see results with a daily cross trainer session, but if you’re serious about losing weight, you need to make a few diet changes as well. With a good balance of diet and exercise, you’re going to be looking and feeling your best in no time.

Without making any drastic changes, or following any fad diets, these are my top tips to lose weight. My absolute most important rule is, drink loads of water. Drinking water first thing in the morning, helps your body to prepare itself for what’s to come. And drinking a glass of water with every meal makes sure you stay hydrated, speeds up metabolism, and helps to digest food.

Try and avoid sugary drinks and snacking. I pretty much haven’t change my diet, but my cutting out and sugary drinks and snacks, combined with little bit of exercise every day, I have been seeing my body get so much slimmer, firmer and all round better! I am always full of energy and rarely feel tired. The combination of a little exercise on the cross trainer, and a few lifestyle changes are certain to help you lose weight, and you could start seeing results in as little as a month. The thing about this method is it is gradual, so don’t be expecting too dramatic results when you step on the scale, but keep at it, and you won’t be disappointed!

Its not as hard as you think! Give it a go!

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