How Ergonomics can Help Treat Back Pain Problems

Back Pain in the Workplace

One of the most common problems that is often associated with jobs that involve sitting is back pain. Back pain can be a nuisance that can truly rob a person of energy and cause discomfort throughout life. It was common thinking that heavy lifting was the primary cause of lower back pain. However, it has been proven that a major contributor to lower back pain is actually sitting.

More than 70 percent of working-class people will complain of back pain. The most common is typically chronic lower back pain that is caused by sitting. Factors that often cause back pain are:

– Sitting incorrectly

– Continuous sitting

– Sitting over a long period of time

These factors all contribute to back pain over time. Furthermore, these conditions are what cause back pain for a majority of workers who may not have known that excessive sitting is the cause of the havoc on their lower back.

Adjusting Your Chair to Relieve Back Pain

Sometimes, an ergonomic chair is not available in places such as an office. To prevent back pain due to a bad chair, it is best to sit with good posture with both feet on the ground. A chair that does not allow users to firmly plant their feet on the ground will cumulatively add to a person’s back problems.

How to Deal With Back Pain

Another way to relieve back pain due to an uncomfortable chair is to get up and stretch. Humans are not meant to sit in a chair for hours on end. If it is necessary to sit down for more than four hours at a time, it is recommended that a person should get up and gently stretch their back.

In addition, the best way to treat this type of lower back pain is by sitting correctly and adjusting posture. Sitting up straight will temporarily help with the long-term effects of sitting.

Exercise and practicing good posture when standing or sitting is a sure way to help combat back injury that is caused by sitting. Yoga is another great way to gently relieve the spine of unwanted pressure that can give workers a bit of relief from sitting.

Selecting an Ergonomic Chair

Many people can reduce their back pain by adjusting the chair they have to properly support their backbone. Choosing a ergonomic chair for your back is one of the best investments someone can make for their back health. A good chair will have the following:

– Good back support to sit up straight

– The ability to change positions comfortably

– A good seat that will distribute weight properly

Ergonomic Chairs and Back Health

There are a variety of ergonomic chairs that will accommodate anyone’s personal style and still offer the relief that is necessary to prevent back pain. It is wise to select a proper chair that will make a sitting experience more comfortable. Ergonomic chairs often can correct this situation by supporting the lower back.

Remember, sitting down causes a strain on the back and puts up to 40 percent of a person’s body weight solely on the spine. It is highly necessary for workers who sit for a long time to acknowledge that lower back pain does not occur over night. It is a condition that takes time to occur but can be prevented through the use of an ergonomic chair.

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