Healthy Phone, Healthy You: Apps To Improve Your Wellbeing

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Chances are you woke up at the beginning of the month and decided this year, 2017, you are going to get fit and healthy and active. Yet, here you are, and you still can’t been bothered to find your running shoes or open that superfood recipe book you got for christmas. Instead, you’ve binged on your favourite TV shows, while chomping on the last of your chocolates and staring mindlessly at your phone.


Well what if the answer to all this was right there on your phone? What if that handheld device could be the motivation you need to kickstart this new you into showing themselves? It is possible because all you need, after all, is the right bunch of apps. So let’s see what there is.


Home Workout

There is a huge market for apps that help you get fit at home, whether that is a more gentle and relaxing approach through something like yoga, or a more direct and exhausting tact like you get with Power20, where you customise 20 minute workout sessions to suit your preferences. Whichever you choose, there are fantastic ways to make sure your fitness needs and abilities, while still being demanding. You could even set it up so that daily alerts get sent to your phone. No excuses now.


Fun Run

The problem most of face when it comes to running is that it is so boring. But what if you could put some fun into it. Well there are apps to help beat tedium. The best of these is Spring Moves. What makes this app different is its ability to use music to motivate and build a rhythm. How? Well it customises your playlist to match your ability and progress. Of course, it also has the added extras most others have too, such as a calorie counter and distance metre and GPS and time tracker. All of that and more.


Pocket Doctor

The thing most of us wish we had access to is a doctor on call 24 hours a day, even at weekends. Well the market for wellbeing and health care apps are becoming more and more prolific and allow its users access to comprehensive, immediate and personalised services from the palm of their hands. One Healthcare App even allows easy access to doctor appointments allowing you to consult with your GP should you need to. Talk about the ultimate peace of mind for you and your family.


Healthy Eating

The hardest thing about eating healthily is the sacrifice you are required to make. We’re not just talking about cakes and sweets and chocolate and all of these delicious favourites. We’re talking about eating out too. This is because you have no idea what fat you are consuming or how many calories it involves. However, there are now apps that will let you know which are the healthiest restaurants in your area, and personalise them to your wants and needs, Want a high-protein dinner, that’s fine. So is low-sodium request. This will allow you to enjoy yourself whilst eating healthier.


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