Does Your Head Hold The Answers?

Most of us associate ‘health’ with our bodies. It’s seen as a physical issue, solved by physical things. We eat right – we stay healthy. We exercise – we get fit. These are universally known facts, and there’s no denying them. For some of us, though, physical efforts don’t solve the problem. We do everything we can to live a healthy life, and yet, our health doesn’t flourish. We still fall victim to frequent illnesses, aches, and pains.

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It can be frustrating and demoralizing when this happens. In truth, though, you may be focusing on the wrong issues. If you’ve done everything physically possible, it may be that the problem is a mental one. That’s not to say that you’re making it up, but that something’s going on in your brain which is affecting your health. Mind and body are more connected than we often realize. Here are a few mental problems which could be holding back your physical progress.


Mental illness can have an extreme impact on your physical health. It’s something few of us consider, but it’s a common issue. Known as somatoform disorders, these physical manifestations may be at the root of your problem. With an issue like depression, you may suffer tension headaches or lethargy. Other mental illnesses can cause further problems, from sexual issues to blindness. If you can’t get a hold on your health, it may be worth looking at your mental wellbeing. If you’ve been suffering from a low mood, or confusion, there might be something going on. Of course, it won’t help to jump to conclusions. Instead, book an appointment with your doctor and discuss your worries.


While addiction does have physical manifestations, it’s worth mentioning in mental terms. Addiction is a horrible condition, which can hold your health back in any number of ways. Of course, you’re probably aware of the physical risks posed. But, those aside, the mental risks are also severe. If you can’t get your health in check, addiction is an obvious place to look. But, it’s not only the physical habit you need to conquer. Even once you move past your dependence, you may struggle to regain health. Addiction treatment centers can help you overcome both aspects, to ensure you reach a full recovery. If you’ve recently overcome an addiction and aren’t experiencing the benefits you expected, this may be where the problem lies.


Lastly, it’s important to mention how much of an impact a negative outlook can have on your health. For one, viewing the world in negative light leaves you open to the risks of depression mentioned above. You may also fall victim to issues like stress, which weaken your immune system and leave you open to illness. The good news is, changing your outlook is easy. All it takes is a little effort and some small exercises. Something like meditation will help a huge deal here. It may also be worth reading self-help books or visiting a therapist.

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