Four Ways to Avoid Getting Sick While You’re on Vacation

You’ve got your hotel reserved, and your plane tickets are purchased. You’ve put in your time off at work, and you’ve created a list of everything you need to bring. There’s a lot to plan for, whether you’re renting an RV or hopping on a plane, but there’s one thing you can’t plan for getting sick.

Or can you?

Although no method is foolproof for preventing you and your family from getting sick while you’re on vacation, there are some things you can do to lessen your chances of coming down with a bug.

Schedule Your Annual Doctor’s Appointment Before You Leave

Annual appointments with your doctor are important, but they are especially important if you’re planning on traveling. Your doctor can help you determine if you’re healthy enough to travel, and they can provide you with tips on staying well during your trip.

A doctor’s appointment is a must if you’re planning a vacation in another country. You may discover that you need a vaccination, or there’s a medication you can take with you just in case you come down with an illness that’s common in certain areas.

Know What to Do with Your Hands

When it comes to the trip itself, there’s no better way to prevent getting ill than knowing what to do with your hands. That means knowing how to wash them.

Don’t want to have to worry about finding a bathroom every time you’re ready to eat or after you blow your nose? Keep hand sanitizer handy so you can clean your hands more frequently.

No matter how much you wash your hands, you should avoid touching your face. That means abstaining from chewing your fingernails, itching your nose, or rubbing your eyes, so you don’t transfer germs from your fingers to your face.

Stay Active

Most people want to rest and relax during their vacation, but it’s important to stay active. Running on the treadmill at the hotel is always an option, but you have other choices.

Stay active by:

  • Stretching your arms and legs on the airplane or in the RV
  • Choosing to walk instead of driving or taking the bus
  • Taking the stairs instead of the elevator

You can also try and find fun, active things to do when you get to your destination, like swimming or playing a game of golf.

Get Plenty of Rest

Sleeping in a new bed and having so many things to do can make you lose sleep. Unfortunately, a lack of sleep has been tied to a lower immune system, which means you’ll be more likely to get sick. Plan breaks into your day, and bring along pillows, blankets, and other items that will help you get restful sleep each night, even if you are away from home.

Don’t end up staying in the hotel room during your vacation because you got sick! Follow these tips and you can maintain your health the entire time you’re away from home.

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