Categories: Health

What is The Appropriate Wellness Program for You

“Women are like a bottle of good red wine: they get better with age”. Probably you know this old proverb, but the question is if are you able to say this about you? Living fast all the time under pressure, stressful lifestyle, less sleeping, a lot of home obligations, going for perfectionism, familiar problems, fast whatever eating.

All listed is not visible at the same moment, but accumulated for longer time is harmful. Diseases like cancer, diabetes type II, obese, arteriosclerosis, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, polycystic ovary syndrome, infertility, insomnia, depression are connected with no proper lifestyle. It is known that listed diseases are very complicated and part takes also genetic, inflammations, but anyway for huge part is responsible our lifestyle. Lack of time causes that average person goes to doctor when gets sick. That is very big mistake, because sometimes may be too late. Good solution that gets more popular is preventive medicine. Here is question how and to who to believe when on the Internet we are bombarded with thousands articles very often contradictory to each other. Important is to not give up and finally will be founded the good one. In preventive medicine are valuable places providing scientifically-based integrated medicine as Vitallife Wellness Center.

Vitallife Wellness Center is high quality place accredited by the World Council on Clinical Accreditation in 2007. In their team each member is a specialist in own field providing evidence-based scientific medicine. Vitallife Wellness Center offers a lot of programs that everybody can find the proper one for their needs.


Programs consist of: Predictive, Preventive, Anti Aging, Regenerative and Beauty & Skin.

In Predictive program we can find Allergy Screening, Genomics Testing and Food Intolerance tests. Those programs help to detect allergies, intolerances and genetic predispositions to avoid in future health risks. Every person is different and unique, one can eat bread, fishes, drink milk and has no problem, but another person doesn’t feel well after glass of milk. Very good example of intolerance food is tennis player Novak Djokovic who changed totally his diet on gluten free and it was very big step forward in his career.

Preventive Program consists of: Nutritional Values, Micronutrients, Sports Medicine and Compounded Supplementation. Right diet is like good piece of cloth- must match. On the Internet there is a lot of websites with ready diets, advice about supplements and vitamins, but often there is no success and effect. Why? Because everybody has different metabolism, needs, lifestyle, that’s why so important is consultation with nutritionist who can see with the professional eye our needs and make the right diet that will work and to teach what, how often, how much to ingest to maximize your health.

Anti Aging Program consists of: Age Management, Weight Management, Detoxification and Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. Anti-aging treatments are dedicated to every person and age does not matter here, because young can teach about healthy lifestyle to stay in good form physical and mental and finally to inhibit aging. Older person can teach about detoxification, healthy micronutrients which will stop or decrease effects of aging, create a hormone balance in menopausal women and andropausal men. All this can improve quality of life.

Regenerative Program contain: Joint Regenerations and Rejuvenative Cell Therapy. Both are very innovative and keeping up to date. The last program Beaty& Skin has: Aesthetics: Beauty and Skin, Ulthera and CoolSculpting. This program offers a lot for skin with no needles, no surgery and downtime. Non-invasive methods help to reduce fat and make nonsurgical face lift.


Vitallife Wellness Center has wide range of programs, but also their service is very rich.

The service consists: nutraceuticals- supplements customized to our specific requirements, education, online consultation and wellness laboratory service. In their laboratory can be determined the oxidative damage to your cells, levels of essential fatty acids, hormone levels, and brain function.

The Vitallife Wellness Center deserves recognition, because there work good specialists spreading medical knowledge, using very innovative methods and looking at people holistic. Combination of all this causes that everybody is able to find in Vitallife Wellness Center something right for them to change life habits, to change diet, to improve help and to teach better own body, to find own needs.

Don’t wait to get sick!Let yourself feel like a bottle of good red wine and get better with age. Learn more about Vitallife Wellness Center and feel free to contact them, they will answer every your question!

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