Categories: Sexual

Events with a Purpose: The Importance of Safe Sex

Before modern sexual education courses hit school curriculums, topics of condoms, STIs, and risky sexual practices were rarely discussed. And as as result, more people suffered because they weren’t aware of the necessary proper precautions. Today, however, there are public events designed specifically to bring attention to the cause, and some of them are a bit more unique than others.

The Museum of Sex

What better place to talk about sex than at a museum dedicated to the act? The Museum of Sex in NYC regularly hosts different events and exhibitions that educate patrons on the importance of safe sex and STI prevention. Just before Valentine’s Day, for example, the museum held a safe sex campaign during which New York City health officials passed out educational literature and condoms.

Excited by the success of the event, NYC Health Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett told NBC News, “We have successfully wrapped this city in high-quality latex.”

You go, Mary!

LGBT Health Awareness Week

Instead of one event, the LGBT Health Awareness week hosts several sex ed events over a span of five days.

The Center PA LGBT Center says the event is the result of a collaboration between several organizations that support the LGBT community, including the center, the YWCA, and Alder Health Services, among others. From March 23 to March 27, the organizations will work together to host different events explaining the importance of HIV prevention, safe sex, and regular testing.

Even though the event is titled after the LGBT community, they encourage everyone to stop by and learn more about how to stay safe and healthy.

The Condom Fashion Show

Safe sex techniques have been an important topic of sexual education since the AIDS outbreak in the 1980s. Since then, colleges in particular have taken a special interest in educating students of the importance of STD prevention.

Enter February’s condom fashion show.

The show was organized by the Nu Chapter of Eta Sigma Gamma—a national professional health science honorary organization at Indiana University Bloomington.

According to reports, there was a humorous demonstration to show audience members the proper way to put on a prophylactic in addition to the condom-clad models. And before the show started, they offered free HIV screenings courtesy of Positive Link. For those unfamiliar, Positive Link is “a program of IU Health Bloomington Hospital Community Health that is the main source of comprehensive prevention and holistic social services for those affected by HIV in south 
central Indiana.”

If there was an award for the most unique way to bring attention to the importance of sexual health, this event would certainly win. Let’s just hope no one tried to use the condoms that were sewn into the costumes.

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