Drunkorexia: Fashionably Thin or Alcoholic Trend?

Drunkorexia: Fashionably Thin or Alcoholic Trend?

Drunkorexia is a new slang term that has been generating a lot of talk. It is a combination of the words drunk and anorexia. It is used to describe someone that will starve themselves during the day to maintain a low weight so they can binge drink at night and not worry about the calories. This phenomenon has become more common in young women attending college than any other demographic.

Dying to be Thin

The push to be ultra-thin is already a serious issue in this age group. These young women find that they are judged more on their ability to remain thin rather than on any of their other merits. However, the stress from college, peer pressure, and an impeding social body image leads them to binge drink.

Of course, anorexia by itself has many health-damaging issues associated with it, including being light headed and having a lack of concentration. When you add this to binge drinking, you have created a recipe for disaster. These women are making very poor life choices under these conditions, including drinking and driving.

A recent study conducted by researchers found that college women were about 50 percent more likely to drink in excess than their male counterparts. These are scary numbers, indeed.

Ramifications of a DUI/DWI Arrest

One of the most alarming realities about this dangerous condition is that not only are these women distorting their bodies, they are also ruining their lives. Ideally, college is about learning what you need to know to have a successful future. Unfortunately, the fad of drunkorexia can be a detour from this ultimate goal.

A driving under the influence (DUI) conviction at this stage in their lives could destroy any possibility of a lucrative future. Potential employers are going to see a conviction listed on their resume and quickly move on to the next applicant. Students, lucky enough to already be working in their chosen profession, will find that a DUI conviction can diminish their ability to get promoted.

Of course, there are other issues associated with a DWI conviction, such as the large fines, alcohol treatment requirements and outrageous insurance premiums when driving privileges are reinstated. If the event that led to the driving under the influence (DWI) arrest involved an accident, there are even more issues that will need to be addressed. According to New Jersey attorney, Evan Levow, ”drivers arrested for DWI face a mandatory license suspicion.”

Arrested for Driving While Intoxicated

If you have been arrested for driving while intoxicated, it is recommended that you seek the assistance of a DWI defense attorney. An attorney is your best hope of not being convicted of the crime. You may leave without being charged or face lesser charges with the assistance of legal help. The most important aspect is avoiding the conviction.

Women must face a lot of challenges in their lives when it comes to having a prosperous career. Despite the best efforts of many, there are still inequalities in pay rates and women will always find it harder to get promoted than men.Women must give themselves every possible opportunity. The first line of defense is to take care of their health. Understanding that binge drinking and anorexia do not mix will go a long way towards avoiding drinking and driving.

Jamica Bell is a freelance writer and blogger. As a concerned parent, she contributes this article as an advocate for healthy lifestyles. After researching and listening to the perspective of Evan Levow, a New Jersey DWI attorney, she was able to gain a better understanding of the impact a DUI charge and conviction can have on an individual, especially those negatively affected by drunkorexia.

Reference: http://www.bostonglobe.com/lifestyle/health-wellness/2013/05/30/college-women-drink-more-than-men-study-finds/27AEzZ6SRwC4OfZ4MQLfpN/story.html


jamicajdb: Jamica Bell is a freelance writer who has a myriad of interest. She enjoys exploring new restaurants and trying different kinds of foods, dubbing herself a "restaurant critic". She is a home educator enjoys hiking, storytelling, and birdwatching. Additionally, she is an avid car lover and roller coaster junkie.
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