Categories: Health

A Clean Home For A Clean Bill Of Health

Cleaning your home regularly isn’t just good for the house proud. The reason we need to keep our homes clean and tidy at all times runs much deeper than you may think. A clean home had many health benefits which you may not have realised. And it can even help our mental health too.

Keeping your home clean is one of the most important things you want to be doing in your life to ensure that it stays in a good condition and you don’t face issues such as pests and allergies.


If you aren’t already convinced, here are some of the amazing health benefits that cleaning you home can give you without even realising it.

It can lower feelings of stress

Have you ever heard of the saying ‘a clear space equals a clear mind’? If not, then let us explain. If you live or work in a place which is disorganised, cluttered and dirty; psychologically you will feel less motivated to work. It’s almost like when you have a pile of work to do, and there’s just too much of it for you to know where to start. The same happens when the space around you is cluttered and feels as if it is closing you in.

Our brains don’t work well with clutter, the best thing you can do is to tidy up and get any clutter out of your vision. It will allow you to see clearly what you need to do and what tasks are important. Consider placing all of your documents in folders on your desk so that there is no lose paper hanging around to distract you. If the space around you is clean and clear, you mind will relax and you can get on with work without feeling stressed out with everything else you need to do.

It reduces the symptoms of asthma and allergies

Clutter and dirt piling up in the home can have a bad effect on those who suffer from asthma or allergies. People with asthma are often also allergic to dust mites, And when you don’t clean you home for a long period of time, these pests feast on all of the dust left in the home. This can cause asthmatics to struggle breathing and need more medication as a result.

Not tidying your home can also lead to the build up of damp inside the home. When you have a lot of items in your home and not much space for air to flow through, this is where mould and damp will start to thrive in the home. The issue with this is that it will also trigger allergic reactions in those sensitive to mould. Space out your possessions and take the time to have a clear out every so often to keep you home well ventilated and free of mould.

It can make your home safer

If you’ve ever played any of the Sims games, you will know that when you build your home, after placing a certain amount of items your home will become susceptible to a fire. The same applies in real life. Think about how many possessions you have in your home at the moment. If you have a room with lots of boxes piled up, once a fire starts it will spread very easily and burn everything you own. You have to be careful where you place things in the home and how many possessions you have.

Any items such as cables which block doorways or are in the middle of the room are a trip hazard. You could end up falling over and seriously hurting yourself. Be smart about where you place things in your home because you don’t want to fall and hurt yourself badly. If you have children, make sure that they always put their toys back in the box once they have finished playing with them, and explain to them that it is so that no one can fall over and hurt themselves.

Halt The Spread Of Germs

You may assume that the bathroom is the worst culprit for germs and harmful bacteria in the home, but in actual fact it is the kitchen which is the worst out of every room in your home. With the kitchen being the place where you prepare food for consumption- it is crucial that you clean your kitchen thoroughly and keep it free of stains and spills. Make sure that your countertops are made of a material which can be bleached after preparation of meat without being warped or damaged at all. And make sure that you use high quality cleaning products in order to keep the surfaces clean and sanitised.  This can make a huge difference to the spread of disease in your home as it will kill the germs before they have the time to breed.

It can keep pests away

There are a huge range of different pests which can plague our homes if we aren’t careful. There are a ton of different insects, rodents, even mites which can take over our homes and damage its structural integrity. For example, termites eat through the wood in your home meaning that if you have a wooden frame- it can be made dangerously weak by the presence of these pests. Mosquitos lay their eggs in damp conditions such as your gutter and will plague you home and garden in the summer time. And finally, rats can steal food and eat your clothing, as well as carry fleas who will find a host in your pets.

Keeping your home clean will prevent these pests from making their home and deter them from trying to invade in the future. You can also place thing such as rosemary on the outside of the home to stop wasps and mosquitos from making a nest.

Pests can even mess with your mental health. Bed bugs are one of the most difficult pests to get rid of, and if you don’t keep your bedroom clean they will find a home in your mattress. What’s worse is that they will bite you during the night which disturbs your sleeping pattern; which in turn can cause insomnia, fatigue and other mental problems. If you think you have a problem with bed bugs get someone in to take a look at it. It will save you from those sleepless nights and let you wake up happy and refreshed for the day.

Improving your diet and waistline

Cleaning isn’t only great for your insides, but it can do wonders for how you look on the outside too. A study showed that people who work in a messy environment are likely to snack twice as much as those who don’t. Working and living in a clean, clutter-free home can help you curb your cravings and stop binging on chocolate and sweets.

The other way it can help is by giving you a workout. Think about when you are cleaning the home. You are bending down, reaching into nooks and crannies, and moving your arms, legs and abs. It is like a full workout for your body, which can be a great way to help you shed those pounds. It is the equivalent of spending half an hour to an hour in the gym, without having to leave the house and pay that membership fee. So it can shred the fat and save you money as well! So take advantage of this Soclean discount code, grab your cleaning tools and get cleaning!

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