Can Mental Health Therapy Apps Make a Difference?

If you’ve been following mental health trends in recent years, then you’ve probably begun to notice online therapy. Online therapy is arguably the most popular innovation to occur in the mental health industry in recent years.


What first started out as a unique browser and email-based experience that was offered to people using computers has expanded to include the use of mobile phones and other smart devices. Nowadays it’s easy to simply download an app with an e-therapy company and have your meetings and appointments wherever you are through your cell phone.

It’s a good idea to be aware of how this growing business can influence you or those that you care about. The most obvious question that people are going to be asking regarding online mental health therapy is whether or not it works. In this quick article we’re going to outline the basics of mental health therapy apps so you can know whether or not they’ll work for you.

About Mental Health Therapy Apps

Mental health therapy apps are very similar to their computer-based counterpart. The main difference is that these apps can be loaded onto a smart device and, given that there is a good enough internet connection, accessed at any time and from anywhere.

Many mental health therapy apps offer some of the following services and features for their users.

  • A scheduling system where you can schedule appointments and view the ones that you’ve already got scheduled.
  • Some sort of communication interface, be it video, chat, or audio, that can be used through the app. Some apps require that you schedule your appointments and use a separate video app like Skype.
  • A place to store information about your sessions and your counselors to better improve your experience.

Do Mental Health Therapy Apps Work?

There is some discrepancy as to whether or not these apps actually work. There’s no doubt that they do work for some people. However, according to several customer reviews, the rate of success depends upon who’s using the app and what they’re trying to get out of it.

These are some of the things to consider if you’re wanting to make sure that an e-therapy app will work for you.

  • Technological concerns. Since you have to be using a smart device or some sort of other electronic device that’s capable of loading the app, it’s important to make sure that you have an appropriate device. Check the required specs before making a commitment.
  • Communication concerns. Some people are able to receive great benefits and improve their conditions simply by talking through text or over the phone. Others require the face-to-face communication, gestures, and verbal cues offered by in-person therapy. Consider your communication style before deciding.
  • Help concerns. It’s also important to consider what you’re getting help for. Most online therapy groups offer a wide variety of therapists who are qualified to cover different areas, but it’s important to make sure that you’ll be covered by someone who has experience treating your issue.

If none of these things pose any potential problems, then it’s quite likely that you’ll be able to see some improvement in your condition if you start using a mental health therapy app.

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