Can GM Food Save The World?

Jimmys GM.(Propaganda) Food Fight

The Response Crew (hisshadyness)(Caoimhin) | Myspace Video

Jim­mys GM. Food Fight is com­plete BS, to­tal pro­pa­gan­da. Jim­my is ei­ther stupid or a pu­pet for the big Cor­po­ra­tions whos in­ter­ests this pro­gram re­allt serves. Has Jim­my ev­er heard of per­ma­cul­ture, has he seen the de­vis­ta­tion in in­dia and mex­i­co due to GMO. Jim­my seems to have ig­nored many facts in this so-​called doc­u­men­tary/ad­ver­tis­ment. The on­ly rea­son I am putting this up is so peo­ple can se the pro­pa­gan­da be­ing used in the main stream and so you can se what is hap­pen­ing to Arginti­na, who are sell­ing us the GMO grain for our an­i­mals. We in­turn eat the An­i­mals, the an­i­mals who have been tak­en off their nat­u­ral di­et just so as we can feed them more cost ef­fec­tiv­ley. Jim­my is al­so pick­ing a car­rot out of the ground and try­ing to pass it of as an in­feri­ior car­rot, when in fac­the is pick­ing a car­rot out of the ground in sum­mer and not har­vest time. He al­so comes out with a wor­ry­ing bit of in­for­ma­tion, it is il­le­gal to pick wild fruit or veg!
