How Blueberries Can Improve Your Mental And Physical Health

It has already been well established a long time ago that blueberries are extremely great for your health. In fact, you might have been munching down on this delicious, tasty treat and didn’t even realize just how healthy they are for your mental and physical health.

Recent studies and reports have even shown that blueberries are now known for being the top brain food that can boost your cognitive function and improve your memory. These findings have even been proven true in older individuals. Packed with antioxidants and other powerful nutrients, it really is easy to understand why blueberries have been ranked as one of the top brain foods available on the market.

Reduces Risk Of Dementia

If you have been researching Modafinil you probably already know that cognitive functions tend to decline as an individual grows in age. However, cognitive functions can be greatly preserved by following and sticking to a diet that is rich in plant-based foods, such as blueberries. A recent study showed that healthy older adults that drank anywhere from 30 to 35 milliliters of blueberry juice a day not only improved their brain activity and blood flow, but it even improved their memory as well.

Researchers and scientist have suggested that it is the flavonoids in the blueberries that really provide individuals with these benefits. Along with this, flavonoids can go a long way when it comes to battling and preventing dementia.

Battling The Effects of Alzheimer’s

When you are looking for an online doctor prescription Modafinil you need to keep in mind that Alzheimer’s is one of the most dangerous and devastating brain conditions out there. And, unfortunately more and more individual throughout the world are being diagnosed with this horrible condition. While Alzheimer’s can be age related and just considered another form of dementia, you might be surprised to learn that the antioxidants contained in blueberries can actually help individuals battle this horrible condition. In addition to this, these powerful antioxidants can improve memory as well as cognitive functions in older individuals.

Boosts Immunity

Blueberries contain a very high content of antioxidant, which are known for fighting off infections and diseases. What makes the antioxidant so important is its ability to boost the immune system. This effect protects the body from developing infections, when you come into contact with viruses and bacteria. When the immune system is not functioning properly and you are exposed to harmful pathogens, you will get sick.

By eating a handful of blueberries each day, you will be consuming a high content of antioxidant. This rewarding treat will keep your immune system functioning properly, preventing you from developing a wide range of diseases and infections.

Protects Against Aging

Some medical experts believe blueberries are capable of protecting the human body from aging. This belief is based on the berry’s high content of antioxidant. As mentioned above, antioxidants can prevent the development of disease, by eradicating free radicals. Well, these antioxidants can also reduce the damage to your DNA, which is also caused by free radicals. These prevention measures will help prevent diseases, such as cancer, Alzheimer’s and dementia.

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