9 Fitness Hacks to Help Even the Busiest Mom Stay Fit

As a mom, your to-do list never ends. Between waking the kids up, packing lunches, cooking dinners and dropping from school to football practice and friends’ houses, and having your own career and social life, it can feel like you have no time to yourself. And… that’s partially true! But that doesn’t mean you can’t give yourself a healthy dose of self-love in the time you do have.

Image: Kamaji

As we all know, being a parent involves a lot of flexibility and mental fitness, but with the right regime and a little determination, you can gain that same flexibility and fitness for your body, too! If you’re a busy mom looking for some fitness tips, read on as we explore ways you can exercise throughout your hectic day.

  1. Get up early to fit in that workout. Trust us; we know how hard those first few early morning workouts are! But once your body gets used to the routine, getting up even 20-30 minutes earlier to do a quick workout before you start getting ready for the day will mean you can get it out of the way and kickstart your metabolism.
  2. While your kids do extra-curriculars, workout. Just 3 out-of-breath workouts a week can transform your health, so fit them in where you can. If your kids go to a swim class, head to the gym to workout. If they play soccer, go for a run. If they go horseback riding, go for a hike. Be flexible and fit it in where you can.
  3. Try HIIT training. HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training and is ideal for the busy parent who only has 15 spare minutes at a time. Burst training burns the most calories in the shortest amount of time, which is ideal if time is what you’re short on!
  4. Make sure you’re kitted out in the right exercise clothes. Whether you’re most comfortable in women’s yoga pants, compression leggings or cycle shorts, putting on your workout clothes is half the battle. Invest in clothes that make you feel great, and don’t be afraid to live in them so you’re ready to workout at any moment!
  5. Join a gym that also offers childcare. There are plenty out there, and it means that you can work up a sweat while your little ones play safely for an hour or so. If your kids are a little too old for childcare but not old enough to be home alone, look for local clubs they might love so you can have an hour to hit the gym.
  6. Take the stairs everywhere. It might sound silly to suggest a change as small as opting for the stairs instead of the elevator, but it all adds up and can help you stay healthy and burn extra calories. Plus, that stair action is great for your glutes!
  7. Tell your friends about your workout plans. The more people you have to golf you accountable, the better! Plus, you’ll have a bunch of people to tell after each satisfying workout.
  8. Set lots of little milestone goals on your way to your big goal. Don’t just set a vague goal – make it specific, and then set lots of mini-goals you can feel good about celebrating on the way. For example, if you want to run a 5K in under 30 minutes and currently have a time of 40 minutes, celebrate when you knock every 2 minutes off.
    Also, beware only setting weight-related goals. They’re much more finicky (you may put on 5lbs of water weight around your time of the month), and we’re rarely all that invested in a number on a scale.
  9. Involve your kids! If your children are old enough to do some jumping jacks or a few minutes running, why not get them involved? Turn it into a game, and you’ll have them on your side in no time. (This tip can go for partners and friends, too!)

As parents, we often feel like we have no time, and no energy, even if we did. But finding the time to workout and eat right will give us the energy we need to get more done in less time and feel great while doing it.

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