Categories: Food

8 Best Foods For A Healthy Heart

When we were kids we shrugged away even just the thought of having to eat a green food, some even gag at the though of it. But as adults, we come to realize how our parents were right all along. As spring veggies come in season for example we get more fresh options and wonder which ones really should we get first? If you want to focus open the health and condition of your heart, food is the best way to keep that in check. Don’t worry as the ones we have are all green, so the child in you would still want to eat most of it.

Here are our 8 best foods for a healthy heart:

#1. Tomatoes

Via: https://pixabay.com/en/tomatoes-tomato-mozzarella-basil-1580273/

When you think about good health for the heart, isn’t it that the first food you think about is a tomato? All those commercials of ketchup and tomato paste saying they’re good for your heart is without a doubt true. Tomatoes are high in lycopene, vitamin C, alpha and beta-carotene which are not only nutrients beneficial for our heat’s health but for our whole body system.

#2. Berries

Who said eating for the heart has to be boring? Berries such as blueberries, cranberries, and raspberries are all rich in pytonutrients and soluble fiber. These small things packs a high content of antioxidants anthocyanin and flavonoids that effectively decreases blood pressure. Instead of munching on chips, try snacking on a cup of berries and you’ll feel a whole lot better (and less guilty too).

#3. Oatmeal

Via: https://pixabay.com/en/oatmeal-dried-cranberries-2645945/

The staple for all homes, oatmeal is rich in soluble fiber that lowers our bodies cholesterol levels. While there is a wide variety of oatmeal, try to navigate away from the instant ones and settle for the old-fashioned oats. When the whole grain is present, the healthier it is. instant oatmeal usually has a high sugar content, so you’re exposing yourself to possibly another sickness. If you find oatmeal taste too bland, try adding some berries on top or a dash of flax seeds to compromise for the sweetness and texture.

#4. Salmon

There’s a reason why a lot of people are addicted to salmon, this fish is not only tasty but also beneficial to the body. This is the superstar of foods for a healthy heart, with sardines and mackerel tagging along on the side. These fatty-fish are high in omega-3, that are scientifically known to lower the risk of irregular heart beat and plaque build up on our arteries. Though supplements are available to get your dose of omega-c, eating fresh and fatty fish at least twice a week strengthens your heart over time.

#5. Soy

Via: https://pixabay.com/en/soy-milk-soy-soybean-soy-milk-2263942/

The meat of the vegetarians, but is actually a simple food packed with a whole lot of power nutrients. Soy in the form of tofu or milk is rich with protein, but unlike other sources of protein it does not come with unhealthy fats and cholesterol. This is a great substitute if you’re looking for ways to add texture to your dishes but still keeping it healthy and as nutrient-packed as you can.

#6. Spinach

The only green food in our list that made the cut is spinach. Well you can’t go wrong with anything that is green and leafy, but this particular vegetable just hits everything on the spot. Spinach is high in antioxidant properties and fiber that are nutrients essential to better heart health.

#7. Citrus Fruits

The effect of consuming citrus fruits regularly is pretty straightforward, lowering the risk of stroke caused by clots. As with other things, organic is always the best way to achieve the nutrients you want, some fruit juices or bottled citrus juices have a high sugar content. Peel off and eat at least of these fruits a day and your arteries and heart is pretty much ready for the long day.

#8. Nuts

Via: https://pixabay.com/en/almonds-nuts-roasted-salted-1768792/

A great way to add crunch to oatmeal, yogurt, or just as a snack in itself. Nuts such as almonds, pistachios, and macadamia contains fiber that is good for your heart health. It is a misconception that nuts are generally bad because of high fat content, but when consumed in moderation it packs a whole lot more of goodness than focusing on just fat.

Do not be afraid to mix and match these healthy foods, you can never go wrong with picking only the freshest and natural food choices. The heart is the main organ that allows us to live, so remember to always set your focus and eat healthy. If you have other food to add to our list, leave a comment down below and don’t forget to share if you enjoyed reading this article!

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