5 Reasons You Really Should Take A Hike

In the 21st century, several key components of the human experience tend to be missing from our lives: nature and exercise. As we become more and more a race of city dwellers who work so hard there’s no time to work out, our lives become almost unrecognizable from the generations that came before us.

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There is one hobby that could solve these problems in one fell swoop: Hiking. Below is a look at the myriad benefits that hiking has to offer you– perhaps you could be persuaded to try it out?

Hiking… Is A Complete Exercise

Exercise is ‘as we all know by now’ very important, but the truth is that sometimes it can be a bit, well, boring. Running to nowhere on a treadmill isn’t exciting, nor is endlessly contorting yourself into various yoga positions in front of a mirror.

Regular hiking trips can help to spice up your exercise regime. Hiking is an all-body workout; it’s a strength exercise thanks to your heavy backpack, while providing a cardio boost as you struggle to make it to the top of your chosen route. The first few times you try long, tough hikes, you might struggle a little, even if you consider yourself to be generally fit. Take along a bottle of Oxygen Plus to help you catch your breath when you reach the summit, then enjoy the view with exercise endorphins still running through your system.

Hiking… Is Its Own Reward

Talking of enjoying that view; hiking truly is its own reward. It’s one thing to see stunning scenery from a car or in a photo, but it’s quite another to hike up a hill or mountain and go to see it for yourself. Take along a quick packed lunch and you can relax at the summit, before heading back down with a feeling of serenity rushing through your veins.

Hiking… Gets You Out In The Fresh Air

It’s no secret that the air quality in the US isn’t what we’d all hope it to be. The problem is at its worst in the cities, where traffic and pollution combine to create potentially toxic mix. If you choose a hiking destination in rural countryside, you can escape that toxic air for awhile– and give your lungs a chance to recover. Additionally, it’s been proven that spending time amongst nature is scientifically good for us, so you’ll get a mood boost from having spent some time out of the city.

Hiking Is… Affordable

Hiking is a hobby that can be expensive when you begin, but the investment soon pays off. You’ll want to equip yourself with a good pair of boots, sun cover, and various health supplies– but with that done, you won’t have to spend much more on the hobby. A quick Google will show you plenty of nearby routes that you can explore for free, so there’s no gym membership to worry about or special exercise clothing to buy. You can just turn up at a trail and hike, all without needing to spend a dime.

So do you think you’ve been convinced; might there be more hiking in your future?

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