Categories: Health

5 Natural Ways to Treat Acne Breakouts

When it comes to acne breakouts everyone is eventually a victim. Some of us think that only teenagers have acne, but many adults continue to have breakouts all their life. While prescription medications and over the counter ointments do work well, they are often harsh on skin and have unintended side effects. Why not choose a more natural route to relieve your breakouts? Here are five natural solutions to acne breakouts:

1. Lemon – Lemon juice is a great all over face wash that can help to prevent breakouts before they start. The juice of one lemon applied all over the face once a week can work wonders for keeping your skin clear. However do not use this more than once a week or it can dry out your skin. For application directly to breakouts lemon juice also works well. The acid in lemon juice helps to kill bacteria and dry up the acne.

Image courtesy of [David Castillo Dominici] / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

2. Tea Tree Oil – Tea tree oil is an essential oil that can be purchased in many grocery stores or vitamin shops. It is highly concentrated so be careful with it. Just apply a few drops with a cotton swab to the acne breakouts. Let it sit for about fifteen minutes and then wash off. Tea tree oil helps to relive redness and swelling as well as acting as an antibacterial agent.

3. Aloe Vera – The gardener’s natural first aid kit, the aloe plant is a great source of healing and soothing. You can buy aloe lotions at the store but a fresh leaf is best. Remove the spines and open up the leaf to access the center. Apply the gooey center parts to the acne breakouts and let dry. Then rinse off. Aloe reduces redness and swelling and also helps wounds to heal. Aloe is also a great solution for sun burns and can immediately help to take away the redness and burning associated with that.

4. Honey – Honey makes a great cleansing mask to help remove impurities that cause acne breakouts. To use as a mask apply about a teaspoon of honey to the entire face and let dry. Then gently wash off. To apply to breakouts dab on a thick coating of honey to the acne and let it dry before washing. The honey will help to pull out the acne and also has natural antibiotic properties.

5. Yogurt – Last but not least is plain yogurt. Because of the high bacteria content yogurt works great to eat away the buildup that causes acne and also keeps the levels of healthy bacteria on your skin. Apply a thick coating to afflicted areas and let it sit for half an hour before washing off.

These five natural acne treatments should help you to keep your skin clear and healthy. There is no reason to run to the store every time you have a breakout. Instead, try using these methods to treat and prevent your acne.

Author Bio:
This post is contributed by Christine Maddox. Currently she is pursuing her Master’s degree from University of Texas as well as blogging for 4nannies. She loves to write anything related to parenting, kids, nanny care etc. She can be reached via email at: christine.4nannies @ gmail.com.

Frank Pipolo: Frank Pipolo is 20-year professional executive and writer for Vanguard Attorneys, a 15-year old, Tampa based law firm specializing in auto, motorcycle, personal, and business accident related cases.
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