3 Pieces Of Health Advice You Should Ignore

Caring for our health should be simple. After all, it’s our body; surely we have the best measure of control over it?

Rarely is this actually the case. One of the biggest contributory factors to this is pop culture and so-called “general knowledge”. These are the things we think we know, because we have heard them so often from various sources. TV shows, movies, even just discussion with friends – they’re the common truths that we tend to obey… and which could be harming our health.

When we take these common truths and examine them, we often find that not only are they incorrect, they’re actually outright problematic. So, in an attempt to actually give you some control of your own health for once, here are the habits you need to banish forever…

Clean Your Ears With Q-Tips!

Don’t. Just… don’t. If you look closely, you’ll even see that a box of Q-tips will even tell you not to do this. So why do so many people do it? You only need to glance over a health forum to see someone complaining about having got cotton stuck in their ear. We see characters on TV doing it. Yet it’s real problem that could eventually permanently damage your hearing.

Your ears are pretty great at cleaning themselves, but if you feel the need to delve deeper, then it’s far safer to get a qualified pro to clean your ears than do anything at home with a Q-tip.

Breathe Into Someone’s Mouth During CPR!

This is just a strange one, when you think about it. What gas do we exhale? Carbon dioxide; that’s basic biology. What gas do we need to inhale to live? Oxygen. So… why are we breathing carbon dioxide into someone’s mouth during CPR? It’s useless, and modern advice says not to do mouth-to-mouth during CPR.

It’s far more important when administering CPR to get blood pumping through someone’s system ago. So focus on the chest, with general advice being to go hard and fast in tune with a song you can hum to yourself. ‘Stayin’ Alive’ is – somewhat darkly – a good option to keep you in pace. Don’t worry about going too hard, either – you might crack a rib, but that’s still preferable to the alternative.

Take This Supplement With No Further Questions!

Supplements can be beneficial, especially if you have a GI problem that prevents you absorbing vitamins and minerals from food. However, one of the biggest health mistakes that people make is to take a supplement without checking it’s safe to do so. Some supplements can and do interfere with other medications or might not be suitable for people with an allergy – something that might not be obvious at first glance.

While it may seem like a chore, checking with a doctor if it’s safe for you to take an over-the-counter supplement or medication is a must if you truly want to care for your health. You never know what interactions or side effects there might be so no matter how good an idea it seems, always get medical agreement before taking anything.

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